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Eat Your Greens 2003 10 20 Number one for six weeks, now number three, 'Where is the Love' from the Black Eyed Peas has enjoyed rare success at holding the top spot in the charts. The hook in the song 'Father, father, father...' coupled with the video showing people looking up, create a powerful sense of spiritual yearning and prayer. The echo of the words of Jesus in '...turn the other cheek' etc reinforces the clear spiritual sincerity of this song. (full lyric at the end of this thought) "Gotta keep my faith alive 'til love is found." Even if this doesn't apply to us as we look at the problems in the world around us we must recognise that for many there is real confusion as to how a God of love fits into all of this. I've heard that this song was penned post 9/11 as America struggled with 'what, where, why, how, who?' and people might rightly have said 'where is God?', 'where is love?' when all they could see was hate. Either as a red herring or born out of real personal trauma, the question of pain and suffering in our world is one people ask again and again. We can remain passive, stand at a distance, hold up our hands and say 'where?'. This could be a shrug, a moan, a detached observation or even a cop out. It allows us the luxury of standing on the sidelines, uninvolved and demanding action of others. We can console ourselves with the badness we see and shake our heads like cliched old people tut-tutting at the state of things. 'Where?' looks for help from somewhere else, not us. A better question than 'where?' might be 'what?'. What's actually going on, what's gone wrong? What are the issues, the problems? At least then we become more engaged with the issues and problems. Asking 'what?' leads to trying to solve them or at least to alleviate some of the suffering. Asking 'What's really going on with the poverty in the third world?' led to the Jubilee campaign and the current one for fair trade. Practical and pragmatic it goes beyond the theoretical, the philosophical, and rolls up its sleeves to help. 'What can be done?' 'what would help?', 'what?' is a good question to ask. What is love? WWJD? But 'what?' has its limits. In the Matrix Reloaded, the Merilvingian was unimpressed that Neo, Trinity and Morpheous knew what they were to do next. Simply following instructions was powerless, unenlightened, the real issue was 'why?'. Everything else could be fate, controlled, without power or choice. It is the same for us. Only so much can be achieved asking 'what?'. Much that is valuable, but the real crux is 'why?'. Why do people treat each other this way? Why is the world so? Why did You allow this to happen? Why didn't You stop it? Following 9/11 an American Pastor publicly wondered if rather than being because people hadn't prayed enough, the disaster was an answer to prayer. Perhaps the purposes of God can be achieved faster by Him withdrawing His restraining hand and allowing things to take place. Not things He wishes to happen but that the suffering be shortened and a better result achieved faster. 'Why?' Struggling to answer 'what?' when looking at the social problems experienced in our country I'm increasingly asking 'why?'. Why is the experience of other countries different? Are they better, more blessed? Can we actually fix things by our own effort if God is allowing our nation to experience trouble that we might learn the limit of our own abilities and turn back to Him? What if that's the 'why?'; we might find ourselves opposing Him. The real need would be for prayer and a call for the nation to remember The Creator. Rom 1:20-25 When a nation is divided against itself and suffering distress we could just stand back and ask 'where is God?', we could have compassion and say 'what can I do to help?', best yet is to seek the face of God and ask 'why?'. Maybe that's what He's trying to make happen? I read this recently and was struck by it: Isa 19:2-22 ...Pharaoh's wise counsellors give foolish counsel... Let them tell you now, and let them know what the LORD of hosts has purposed against Egypt... ...The LORD has mingled a perverse spirit in her midst; and they have caused Egypt to err in all her work, as a drunken man staggers in his vomit... ...In that day Egypt will be like women, and will be afraid and fear because of the waving of the hand of the LORD of hosts, which He waves over it... ...And it will be for a sign and for a witness to the LORD of hosts in the land of Egypt; for they will cry to the LORD because of the oppressors, and He will send them a Saviour and a Mighty One, and He will deliver them. Then the LORD will be known to Egypt, and the Egyptians will know the LORD in that day, and will make sacrifice and offering; yes, they will make a vow to the LORD and perform it. And the LORD will strike Egypt, He will strike and heal it; they will return to the LORD, and He will be entreated by them and heal them. (NKJ) Is God calling us back Him? Though longing to gather us as chicks beneath His wings does He see the trouble ahead and weep? Does the God whose name is love, who is love, long for nothing more than to be called on that he may turn and heal our land, our world. 2 Chr 7:14 "if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. (NKJ) In that then the words of the song are true and point us heavenward crying, 'Father, help us'. - - - Artist: Black Eyed Peas f/ Justin Timberlake What's wrong with the world, mama People killin', people dyin' Father, Father, Father help us Where is the love (The love) It just ain't the same, always unchanged People killin', people dyin' Father, Father, Father help us Where is the love (The love) I feel the weight of the world on my shoulder People killin', people dyin' Father, Father, Father help us Where is the love (The love) Where is the love (The love) © cag 2005 |